I find the best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves
– Steve Maraboli –
Grief & Loss
You grieve because you love. When you lose someone you love, your love for them doesn't stop. This love transforms into grieving and the intensity to which it is felt can mimic the intensity of the love your loved one.
Depression can rob you of your ability to experience positive emotions, your ability to look happily into the future, and your ability to fully engage with those around you. Depression takes over and your drive and motivation are hard to find.
Anxiety is a natural and necessary part of your human survival. However, this natural response can become overloaded and as such, register ordinary events as life or death situations, triggering your natural fight flight, or freeze response.
Personal Wellbeing
You may be choosing to seek out therapy for no other reason than to improve your personal wellbeing or fine tuning certain aspects of your life. Having someone in your corner who you can bounce ideas with can be a great layer in your life.
Substance Use & Recovery
Addiction can be a vicious cycle of regret, that impacts your physical and mental health, your performance at work, and your loved ones. The uncontrollable impulse to numb the pain, sometimes because one does not know any other ways to cope, usually causes symptoms to become worse in the long run.
Relationship Issues
You and your partner in a difficult stage of your relationship. Your relationship has suffered a blow too difficult to overcome. and you're repeating the same argument over and over again. You both feel misunderstood.
Disordered Eating
Whether you struggle with disordered eating or have a clinical diagnosis of an Eating Disorder, your relationship with food is classified as disrupted or unhealthy. This can show up as food restriction, binging, or self-induced vomiting.
Stress & Burnout
You live in a fast paced paced and demanding world and hardly seem to catch a break. You get lost in the hustle & bustle, with never ending to-do lists and stressors coming in from every direction. You're drained, exhausted, and on edge.
Trauma causes destruction that impacts every area of your life including your relationships, career, and even the time you spend alone. Trauma makes you feel like nobody truly understands you. You feel alone, secluded, and often, the flashbacks of the trauma are the only times you feel alive.
Low Self-Esteem
You only see your flaws without ever thinking about strengths. The thoughts repeating in your mind as you look in the mirror or think about yourself are always critical. You're constantly comparing yourself to others and you just don't feel like you're enough.